
Tax Season: UGH

Tax Season: UGH

It’s tax season (aka my Arch Rival). It is so confusing for clients because very few people know what to expect.

Spouses Filing Taxes With Separate Finances

Spouses Filing Taxes With Separate Finances

Many married folks keep their finances separate but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should file taxes separately too.

Life Insurance: You’ve been sold, not helped.

Life Insurance: You’ve been sold, not helped.

If you’re an insurance agent and life insurance sales make up most of your business, go ahead and just stop reading now.

I Hate Retirement

I Hate Retirement

I know, I’m a financial advisor. I help people “RETIRE” for a living. But I hate retirement. Shocking, right?

“I don’t wanna”

“I don’t wanna”

“I don’t have time” may be my most hated excuse. Remember that I’m a numbers guy and a thinker: a deadly combo.

An Annuity for IRA Money? Why?

An Annuity for IRA Money? Why?

If you have money you’ve invested in an IRA to shield it from taxes you have a whole lot of investment options to choose from to try to grow your wealth.