“I don’t have time” may be my most hated excuse. Remember that I’m a numbers guy and a thinker: a deadly combo. We all have 24 hours a day. Period. Now, I will give a little slack to those struggling with illness, family chaos, etc., but largely speaking we all have the same time. When we say “I dont have time”, we’re actually saying, “It’s not important”, “I have chosen something else instead” or the internal 2 year old response of “I don’t wanna”.
Families, jobs, and personal interests want to drive us in a million directions so taking time to prioritize the most important tasks is essential. The secret to doing this successfully is saying “NO”. I know this is easier said than done (and I could certainly use this advice in my own life) but I believe that the person who has clear balance in their life says “no” more than “yes”.
I am amazed at the financial chaos that many people live in. Giving our money no time will lead to a very vicious cycle. Do yourself a favor and spend time on your finances. It doesn’t have to be a 13-week class either. Just start with the basics. Put your spending money in an envelope to control impulse spending, increase your 401(k) contributions by 1%, develop a spending plan, or (the most dreaded of all) have a conversation with your spouse about money (oh the humanity!).